Romance Author

Discover Tia KENZIE

Welcome to Tia KENZIE, my very own passion project.

I am a romance author... Reverse Harem, to be exact. It didn't start out that way, but things escalated... and my leading ladies turned out to be greedy b*tches!

So yeah, author of steamy, sometimes dark, sometimes downright indecent novels.

But I love them, so while ever there's an audience who appreciate it, I'll keep on writing!

Each time I release a new book I will update this site, so you never miss out. You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook too. I'm also trying my hand at a blog, so hopefully I can help other aspiring writers out there!

All my books are available to purchase from Amazon, or free on Kindle Unlimited!

If you like my books, please let me know. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

If you prefer, subscribe for my newsletter below and you will be one of the first to know about new releases.

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If you like what you see...
Then please get in touch via the methods below.
And thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Always dreaming
Tia x